Vigilance Awareness Programme Held

Jagatsinghpur: Vigilance awareness programme started from 30th October to 5thNovember and various consciousness programme
continuing in the district. Today one consciousness ralley inaugurated by Zills Parisad President and ADM Chinmayee Biswal from SK Accademy.
One attractive street play arranged by Culture department and play enacted by Bani khetra Natya parisad infront of Post Office. At last vigilance awareness meeting organised at Sad vabana  Sabhagruha presided by Collectorate Paru patwari. Zilla Parisad President Manoj Bhoi advice the gathering to follow the path of truth and create consciousness among people to eradicate corruption for better tomorrow.
Collector Parul patwary in her address adviced to protest corruption as progress of the nation obstructed due to corruption. SP Rahul PR, Municipality Chairman Archana Singh address the gathering. Winner of debate, Essay competition awarded by the guest. Vigilance DSP and
Inspector organised the programme.

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