VRS of Pandian Joint Conspiracy of BJD & BJP: DCC

Jagatsinghpur: Today one press meet organized by Jagatsinghpur district Congress Committee at Seven Hills mandap as per direction of PCC. The Media Co- ordinator cun Spokes man of
dist. Congress Committee Hemanta Rath said that the VRS of 5t Secretary VK Pandian was a joint Conspiracy of BJD and BJP and it was approved within three days is beyond rule and
unconstitutional. Besides that the appointment of V K Pandian as 5t chair person and Chairman of Nabin Odisha within 2 hours of VRS is unfortunate and humiliating also. Mr Rath also put
forth the local demand like Medical College, problem of Irrigation, to solve drinking water problem in Saline belt and problem in education system. Dist. Congress Committee President
Natabar Barick scandle state govt and demand to solve unemployment crisis, Irrigation, Drinking water and road connectivity problem. Ex Municipality Chairman Biplab Choudhury condemn
the policy of Nabin Odissa yojana and put forth the wastage of huge food materials on lunching of Nabin Odisha program at NKC stadium. Congress leader Prasanna Samantray, youth
Congress president prasanta Mallick and two women Congress leader put forth problem of public and condemned absolutism of BJD government.

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