CM Administers Integrity Pledge

Bhubaneswar: This year,Vigilance Awareness Week is being observed from 30th October to 5th November, 2023 on the theme ‘Say No to Corruption, Commit to the Nation’. The observance of
Vigilance Awareness Week commenced in Odisha today with administration of integrity pledge
by Chief Minister NaveenPatnaik at a State level function organized at convention Centre,
Lokseva Bhawan, Bhubaneswar.In a unique way, the integritypledge was administered by the
Chief Minister through OdishaState wide Network (OSWAN)to all district and block headquarters officials andthrough live telecast by theInformation & Public RelationsDepartment, Odisha to membersof the public , students of schoolsand colleges, members of selfhelpgroups, panchayats, AshaKarmies , AWWs.This mass pledge is expectedto further strengthen the extent of awareness on a corruption-free society at every level.On this occasion, the Chief Minister congratulated Odisha
Vigilance as it comes among thetop performing anti-corruption agencies in the country as
revealed by the latest statisticsfrom the National Crime Record Bureau.The Chief Minister also
expressed happiness that duringlast year, Odisha vigilance continues detecting disproportionate assets againstsenior public functionaries.He also urged the VigilanceDepartment to take steps for
infusion of technology andexpansion of the multidisciplinarycharacter by roping in more professionals with domain expertise to aid effective detection of benami transactions,
money laundering, corruptionthrough digital transactions,investments in newer financial
instruments like cryptocurrencies.He also focused on Transparency of 5T Initiative
undertaken by the Government with a view to achievetransformational goals in
governance. He also appealed tothe people of Odisha to renewtheir resolve to fight against corruption and usher in a corruption-free and a New

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