PPMS Raises Concerns over Safety Violations at JM Baxi’s PICT

Paradip: The Paradip Port Mazdoor Sangha (PPMS), a steadfast advocate for workers’ rights at Paradip Port, has raised its voice against a series of alarming safety violations and unfair labour practices reported at JM Baxi’s Paradip International Cargo Terminal (PICT), located near Gate No. 5 within the Paradip Port Prohibited Area. From the very inception of its
operations, concerns have emerged regarding the compromise of worker safety, leading to a disturbing number of worker fatalities, severe injuries, and permanent
disabilities. These tragic incidents have cast a shadow over the company’s commitment nto safeguarding the welfare of its workforce and compliance with governmentmandated safety regulations. In addition to safety issues, PICT stands accused of exploiting local workers and subjecting them to threats of retrenchment. Troubling reports suggest that the company has
favoured hiring outsider workers over the original workforce, depriving the latter of full employment opportunities and fostering discontentment among the local
labour force. Further allegations have emerged regarding PICT’s associations with local mafias, so-called opportunistic political leaders, and goons. Such affiliations, if proven true, raise questions
about the company’s ethical standards and its impact on the community at large. In light of these grave concerns, Paradip Port Mazdoor Sangha, strongly advocate for
workers’ rights, condemns these safety violations, unfair labour practices, and purported unethical conduct attributed to JM Baxi’s Paradip International Cargo Terminal. The workers’ union considers these actions not only a threat to the lives and livelihoods of local labourers but a direct push toward a perilous precipice. Prakash Tripathy, President of Paradip
Port Mazdoor Sangha, stated, “Our commitment to workers’ rights and safety is unwavering. We cannot stand by while the lives and well-being of our fellow workers are jeopardized. Paradip Port
Mazdoor Sangha, in associates with the workers and their families, will vigorously protest against these gross violations and anti-worker attitudes exhibited by JM
Baxi.”(PICT) Paresh Murmu, Ex-Trustee & General Secretary of Paradip Port Mazdoor Sangha stated that, ALL BOT operators like. JSW & KICT in PPA giving full duties
to their workers in a month and workers are doing fine but only JM Baxi (PICT) is depriving the workers in every aspect. When labour becomes unrest the industry suffers. So if JM Baxi doesn’t refrain from such practices it will invite more discontentment among workers and very soon you will see industrial harmony will be disrupted,added PPMS president Mr. Tripathy.

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