Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Nand Kumar Singh Chauhan passed away on Tuesday morning at a private hospital in Gurugram. A Lok Sabha MP from Madhya Pradesh’s Khandwa. Chauhan was admitted to Medanta Hospital in Gurugram after being rushed from Bhopal following a deterioration in his health. He had tested positive for coronavirus.
Chouhan was on ventilator support for the last few days. Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan had earlier visited the BJP MP at hospital to inquire about his health.
“Popular leader Nandu bhaiya has left us. BJP has lost an ideal worker, able organiser and dedicated leader in him. It is a personal loss for me,” Shivraj siad.
Chouhan represented the Khandwa seat in he Lok Sabha since 1996, barring a five-year period of 2009-14 when he lost to Congress’ Arun Subash Chandra Yadav.
“His body will be brought to BJP office in Bhopal today for paying tribute, then he will be taken to Khandwa and his last rites will be performed tomorrow in his village Shahpur,” he added.
Source: IndiaTV
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