Mumbai: Actress Kareena Kapoor Khan took to Instagram on Sunday to wish her friend and co-star Aamir Khan on his birthday. Kareena and Aamir will together be seen in their upcoming film “Laal Singh Chaddha”.
Posting a picture of a turban-clad Aamir in the movie’s get-up, Kareena wrote, : “Happy birthday my Lal… There will never be another like you. Can’t wait for people to see the magic you have done in this diamond of a film. ”
“Laal Singh Chaddha” is the official Hindi remake of the Hollywood film “Forrest Gump”. Kareena and Aamir are sharing screen space together for the third time after “Talaash: The Answer Lies Within” (2012) and “3 Idiots” (2009).
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