Election of officers of District Trade Union Coordination Committee

Phulbani : The annual meeting of all the labor leaders brothers and sisters in the District Labor Organization Coordination Committee was held at the Banani Kala Sangam Hall located at Phulbani Court Square. In this annual event, the old committee was dissolved and a new committee was formed and new workers were elected with consensus. In this new committee, labor leader Ghana Kumar Shabar was elected as the president, while vice presidents – Ajay Kumar Sethi and Shivshankar Samantraya. Working president – Umesh Bhoi, general secretary – Kahnu Charan Digal, joint editor – Sujit Rana, treasurer – Duttikrishna Mallik, advisory board – Prafulla Kumar Behera, Suchitra Nayak, Gopal Krishna Bishoi, Trinath Behera, Dikshan Nayak were elected unanimously and the newly elected organizational secretary Mrs. Sunita Sahu gave a vote of thanks and closed the meeting. Among the labor leaders present were Arvind Pradhan, Ranjit Bishoi, Sunil Digal, Arun Uday Singh Deo, Dandpani Behera, Amiya Kumar Nayak, Sushil Kumar Sahu, Fakir Behera.

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