Mumbai: Television actor Tejasswini Prakash on Sunday won the Big Boss 15 trophy and millions of hearts. Beating her fellow housemate Pratik Sehejpal, Tejjaswini bagged the first position. Tejasswini had her own roller coaster ride inside the house, found a lover Karan Kundra and many enemies like Shamita Shetty. During the reality show, she has also signed for the successful television show franchise “Naagin” Big boss has successfully completed 15 seasons and is the longest running television reality show. Gehraiyaan team also graced the finale by their presence and announced the top 3 contestants. Previous Big Boss winners Gautam Gulati, Shweta Tiwari, Urvashi Dholakia, Rubina Dilaik and Gauhar Khan came as guests on the final episode
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