Bhubaneswar: The Commissionerate Police on Friday released the preliminary sketch of the deceased woman whose skeletal remains were recovered from a seized vehicle on the premises of Janla Police outpost on the outskirts of Bhubaneswar. The sketch has been prepared by a team of experts from Bengaluru, using which the police will try to ascertain the identity of the deceased, informed Bhubaneswar DCP Umashankar Dash.
Releasing the sketch, Dash said, “We will put up the sketch at public places, forward it to all the police stations and appeal the public to come forward if they know the victim.”
As per the statement of Dash, “The deceased woman was aged around 35-45 years and 164 cm tall. She was ill-nourished and suffering from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB). Her dead body was recovered on February 12, 2021.
According to doctors, she could have died in between September and December 2020.” Moreover, the deceased had injuries to her leg and arm bones which were reportedly sustained prior to 45-60 days of her death and were healed irregularly most probably due to malnourishment.
Dash further said that, “Though the sketch was prepared through experts and with the help of Artificial Intelligence (IA), it may not match 100% with the actual face of the deceased. We cannot treat it as a photograph.”
It is pertinent to mention here that the vehicle in which the skeletal remains were found was seized by the Ganjam police in a narcotics case in 2019. The seized vehicle was parked on the campus of the Janla police outpost since then.
It is however unclear why the vehicle was parked at the outpost located on the outskirts of Bhubaneswar instead of Berhampur. Following the recovery of the skeleton, a senior police official was suspended for dereliction of duty.
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