Chitrakoot: Prime MinisterNarendra Modi on Friday saidthe Ram temple in Ayodhya willsoon be ready, and hailed thecontribution of Hindu spiritualleader JagadguruRambhadracharya in its making.Speaking at a public functionat Tulsi Peeth of JagadguruRambhadracharya at Chitrakootin Madhya Pradesh, the PM alsosaid that Sanskrit is not only thelanguage of traditions, but alsoof our progress and identity.” . . . J a g a d g u r uRambhadracharya ji has playeda big role in fulfilling one of thedreams of every countrymen -the Ram temple, for which youhave contributed so much, in andoutside the court, is also going tobe ready,” the prime minister saidas Hindu leaders present at thegathering cheered.He also mentioned theinvitation given to him by the ShriRam Janmabhoomi TeerthKshetra for the consecrationceremony of the Ram temple,which is expected to take placeon January 22.Praising JagadguruRambhadracharya for hiswisdom, the prime minister said,”This level of wisdom is neverpersonal, this wisdom is anational treasure.” The PM alsoremembered his contribution inthe Swachh Bharat Mission asone of the nine key ambassadors.On the occasion, he releasedthree books ‘AshtadhyayiBhashya’, ‘RamanandacharyaCharitam’ and ‘Bhagwan ShriKrishna ki Rashtraleela’ writtenby Jagadguru Rambhadracharya.PM Modi said national goalslike cleanliness, health and CleanGanga are being realised now.Talking about Sanskrit language,he said efforts were made touproot the culture and heritageof India during the thousand yearold era of slavery.”The slave mentality whichwas carried forward by certain
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