No exotic birds seen in Boipariguda block

Boipariguda ,: Boipariguda area of Koraput district is surrounded by forest and hills, surrounded by natural beauty, but this year during the winter season and when foreigners are coming to Odisha,
there is a lot of concern about why exotic birds are not coming to this area. It is reported that bird counting has started in various ponds, rivers and forests in Boipariguda forest area. Three teams were formed under the leadership of Boipariguda Forest Officer Sandeep Kumar Panigrahi and reached various places under the range including Ghasarda, Nua ghasarda, Kota, Jhadanga, Dighapur, Gehurighat, Ahawanguda and counted 480 birds between 6 am and 11 pm. Indian pond Heron 173, Cattle Egret 116 , Little Egret 127, Asian Openbill 7, Black Drongo 6, Bani 42, Little Cormorant 5, Kingfigher 4, It is known that 480 birds were counted during this bird count. Ranger Sandeep Kumar
Panigrahi, Boipariguda Forest Officer Lalita Harijan, Dasmantpur Forest Officer Ravindra Pradhan, Baligaon Forest Officer M. Srinuvas, Forest Guards Priyanka Kar, Manorama Devi, Karuna Disari were present during this bird count.

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