India’s Reetika Hooda scriptedhistory on Thursday as shebecame the first-ever Under-23woman wrestling worldchampion from the country.Overall, she is the second Indianto win a gold medal at the U23Wrestling World
Championships. Reetikadefeated USA’s former U20world champion Kennedy Blades9-2 in an action-packed 76kgfinal.What makes Reetika’sachievement even more special isthat this was the first time shewas competing in the 76kgcategory after spending twoyears in 72kg.Reetika, an AsianChampionships bronze medalist,employed a counter-attackinggame to defeat the favouriteBlades. At the break, Reetika led3-2 with points coming bypushing Baldes out. TheAmerican managed two pointsby hitting a double-leg.In the second half, Blades triedto attack Reetika’s leg but theIndian scored a couple oftakedowns which helped herclinch the gold.Elsewhere, Neha Sharmagrabbed silver in the 55kg women’swrestling category after goingdown 2-4 to Albania’s Umi Imai
in the final. Nitika won bronze inthe 59kg category after defeatingCanada’s Michaela Rankin 5-0.
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