New Delhi: Rajya Sabha Speaker M Venkaiah Naidu on Wednesday requested the members of the House to participate in ‘Amrit Mahotsav’– celebrations to mark the 75th year of the country’s independence. As the House met for the day, Mr Naidu said the year 2021 will mark the beginning of the 75th year of independence. On the occasion, the government has planned to organise ‘Amrit Mahotsav’ which will commence on March 12 and continue till August 15, 2023.
During the event, exhibitions and several other programmes would be organised in the states and Union Territories. The festival will kick-start on March 12 this year with a walk from Sabarmati to Dandi. The yatra, which commemorates the historic Dandi Yatra of Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi, will culminate on April 5. Mahatma Gandhi had undertaken the Dandi Yatra in 1930.
The Chairman said that through these events, the members should spread the values and ideas for which the freedom fighters stood and with whose help the country gained independence.
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