Mumbai: Mumbai Police’s Crime Branch summoned Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan to record a statement in connection with his 2016 complaint about fake emails in his name to actress Kangana Ranaut. The actor arrived at the Crime Branch office on Saturday at around 11:45 am and left after 2 pm. Donning a black t-shirt and denim, the actor made his way inside the Crime Intelligence Unit (CIU) at the commissioner’s office to record his statement. Hrithik’s complaint in 2016 alleged that someone was impersonating him and was emailing actor Kangana Ranaut from a bogus email ID in his name.
A case under section 419 (cheating by personation) of IPC and sections 66C (identity theft), 66D (cheating by personation using computer resources) of the Information Technology Act was registered against an unknown person at Cyber Police Station. Soon after, the complaint led to an ugly spat between Hrithik and Kangana.Â
In 2016, Hrithik and Kangana sent each other legal notices. Hrithik said that he met Kangana on May 24, 2014, at Karan Johar‘s birthday bash, where Kangana approached Hrithik and thanked him for appreciating her work in Queen, through an email. However, Kangana claimed that Hrithik himself had provided the email-id on which they were corresponding till May 2014.
“On coming to know of Hrithik’s real email ID, you (Kangana) sent a barrage of emails to him. Our client tried to ignore all the emails (total 1439) to him even though it amounted to mental harassment and stress. Besides sending emails to our client you have also been telling people in the film industry about your affair with him and then called our client a ‘silly ex’,” the notice said.
Kangana, in her notice, said: “My client (Kangana) states that it was Hrithik who wanted to communicate from a newly created ID because of his impending divorce. In an effort to safeguard his name, image and reputation your client (Hrithik) time and again malafidely and in mischief hacked my client’s email ID and deleted all the mails sent by him.”
On Friday, Kangana also tweeted about Hrithik’s recording statement against her and again called him a ‘silly ex.’ She tweeted, “Duniya kahan se kahan pahunch gayi magar mera silly ex abhi bhi waheen hai usi modh pe jahan yeh waqt dobara laut ke nahi jane wala.”
Meanwhile, on the professional front, Hrithik is soon going to start shooting for the Indian adaptation of John Le Carre’s spy drama ‘The Night Manager’. He will also be seen in Fighter, co-starring Deepika Padukone. The actor was last seen in War, co-starring Tiger Shroff and Vaani Kapoor. He was also starred in the blockbuster film Super 30.
Source: India TV
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