Jerusalem: Escalating attacks byHezbollah group risk “dragging Lebanoninto a war”, Israel’s military said Sunday,
after renewed cross-border exchanges offire that have raised fears of a widerconflict. “Hezbollah… is draggingLebanon into a war that it will gainnothing from, but stands to lose a lot,”warned Israel Defense Forces spokesmanJonathan Conricus. The Lebanese groupis allied with Hamas, which touched offthe latest violence with a murderousOctober 7 rampage in Israel that killed atleast 1,400 people, mostly civilians who were shot, mutilated or burnt to death,according to Israeli officials. Israel hasretaliated with relentless strikes on Gazathat have killed more than 4,300Palestinians, mainly civilians, accordingto the Hamas-run health ministry.It has also exchanged fire withHezbollah across its northern border,with Conricus accusing the group of adangerous escalation. “Hezbollah is
playing a very, very dangerous game.They’re escalating the situation. We seemore and more attacks every day,” he said.”Is the Lebanese state really willing tojeopardise what is left of Lebaneseprosperity and Lebanese sovereignty for
the sake of terrorists in Gaza?” he asked.”That’s a question that the Lebaneseauthorities need to ask themselves andanswer.” Recent exchanges of fire havekilled four Hezbollah fighters and amember of Palestinian group IslamicJihad in Lebanon, while three Israelitroops were injured, one seriously, inHezbollah anti-tank fire, and two Thaifarm workers also wounded. Israel hasordered dozens of northern communitiesto evacuate, and several thousandLebanese have also fled border regionsfor the southern city of Tyre.Hezbollah number two NaimQassem has warned the group could stepup its involvement in the conflict. “Let’sbe clear, as events unfold, if something
comes up that calls for greaterintervention by us, we will do so,” hesaid.Iranian-backed Hezbollah fought a
devastating war with Israel in 2006 thatleft more than 1,200 dead in Lebanon,mostly civilians, and 160 dead in Israel,mostly soldiers.
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