Contractual Workers of Port Marine Department Merged with PPMS

Paradip: Near above 200contractual workers of ParadipPort Marine Department hasbeen merged with Paradip Port
Mazdoor Sangh (PPMS) onMonday. It is said that, due tolack of leadership in the portand industrial city of Paradip,
the contractual working invarious industrial andestablishments are beingharassed and tortured.However, trusting andbelieving in the leadership ofthe local labor and unionleader Prakash Tripathy, thecontractual workers and
employees from various laborunions are seen to joining withPrakash Tripathy union. In aseries of such incidents, morethan 200 contractual workersof Paradip Port Marinedepartment joined in PPMunion on Monday evening. In
this connection, in thepresence of Union PresidentPrakash Tripathy, ChiefAdvisor and BJP leaderSampad Swain, GeneralSecretary Paresh Murmu,Working PresidentAbhimanyu Behera, VicePresident Subrata Pradhan,
Secretary SarbeswarBaliarsingh, Joint secretaryDillip Baliarsingh the workerstook the new membership at
the union premises nearNuabazar.On this occasion, all theleaders promised the workersto fight without compromise
for the benefits and rights ofworkers.

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