Bhubaneswar: A group oftalented school students fromOdisha, participants of theOlympic Values Education
Program (OVEP) today met ChiefMinister Naveen Patnaik.During the meeting, studentshad the privilege of presenting aletter from Thomas Bach, thePresident of the InternationalOlympic Committee (IOC). The
letter lauded OVEP program ongoingin Odisha and itsachievements and contributionsto the field of education and
sports.In the letter, President IOCThomas Bach expressed hisheartfelt appreciation for theexcellent cooperation betweenthe IOC and the Government ofOdisha for projects OlympicValues Education Program andthe Odisha Ridley Project. Headded that it was a great pleasureto meet several children fromOdisha at the IOC session and
was impressed with theiraccounts from their OVEPexperience. President Bachthanked the Chief Minister forhis unwavering support for theOlympic values.The students Bharati Sabar,Mohammad Hammad Noorain,
Pratyasha Sahoo, Somya RanjanBarik and Suchismita Sahooenthusiastically shared theirunique and inspiring experienceof attending the prestigiousinternational IOC session inMumbai. This opportunity was
a dream come true for these youngtalents and marked a significantmilestone in their journey in
sports and education.The meeting with the ChiefMinister was a moment ofrecognition for their exceptional baccomplishments and an inspiration to countless young minds in Odisha. Expressing that it
was a proud moment for the state, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaikcommended the students for representing Odisha on a global platformsuch as the IOC session. He acknowledged their dedication, hard work,and the pride they brought to the state. Secretary (5T) V K Pandian wasalso present during this interaction and congratulated the students forbringing pride to Odisha. On May 24, 2022, the Chief Minister launchedthe Olympic Values Education Programme (OVEP) as a pilot project in90 schools across Rourkela and Bhubaneswar impacting 32,000 students.
Currently, the OVEP program runs across 250 schools across five districtsincluding, Khorda, Sundargarh, Ganjam, Puri and Cuttack positivelyimpacting 1, 50,000 students across 2-10 grade. 500 teachers have been
trained as master trainers.
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