Bhubaneswar: As directed byChief Minister Naveen Patnaik,Chairman 5T & Nabin Odisha V
K Pandian along with seniorofficials reviewed the work of the proposed Metro Rail Project
which will connect the twin citiesof Bhubaneswar and Cuttack.The Phase I of the Metro Rail
project will connectBhubaneswar Airport withTrisulia Square, viaChandrasekharpur, Jaydev Vihar,
Vani Vihar, Master Canteen andRajmahal Square.Pandian discussed andfacilitated decisions for timelycommencement of theconstruction of Metro Railproject. Chief Minister Naveen
Patnaik had announced theproject on Odisha Dibasa on 1stApril 2023 for which the Detailed
Project Report has beenapproved by the Government. AMaster Plan for extending the
Metro Rail service to other areasof Bhubaneswar and to Khordha,Puri and Cuttack towns is being
developed through Delhi MetroRail Corporation Ltd.Trisulia is going to emerge as a
major traffic hub to serveBhubaneswar and Cuttack citiesas well as emerge as gateway to
the Twin city from Banki andAthagarh side. The CentralDepot of the Metro Rail project
will be located near TrisuliaSquare where the Command &Control Centre as well as the
maintenance and stabling facilitiesfor the Metro trains will beconstructed. A New Bus Stand is
being constructed at Trisulia Square, which will be further expanded and integrated with
Merto station. Chairman 5T and Nabin Odisha V K Pandianexpressed satisfaction on the progress made by variousdepartments and agencies and directed officials to complete thepreparatory work in time ahead of the foundation stone for theproject to be laid by the Chief Minister on 01.01.2024. Pandianinstructed that the works must be monitored very closely,observing principles of 5T to ensure timely completion of theproject within four years schedule. He also asked officials to
ensure that the project realizes the vision of the Chief Ministerof a world class urban transport system for the aspirationalOdisha. He advised that the metro system should leverage thelatest technologies and most advanced equipment to provideefficient mobility solution to passengers. He asked officials toensure that other modes of transport are aligned with metro railstoppages for the seamless movement of passengers. He alsoadvised officials to ensure that the project planning should bedone in such a way so that it has enough room for long termfuture expansions. V K Pandian made a surprise visit to thenewly constructed Cuttack Netaji Bus Terminal (CNBT) to get
feedback of people and see the cleanliness at the state of the artterminal. He interacted with passengers, vendors, service providers,bus operators and other staff members. He asked officials to furtherstrengthen integrated information management system which willenhance the passenger experience and hassle free movement ofpassengers. The officials also visited the transformed TaldandaCanal. He advised that the visual aesthetics along the canal shouldbe maintained so that it continues to be a recreational hub for thepeople of the Cuttack city. Pandian was accompanied by AnuGarg, Development Commissioner – cum – Addl. Chief Secretary,Manoj Kumar Mishra, Principal Secretary, E&IT Department,senior officials of Cuttack District administration, BhubaneswarMetro Rail Corporation and Works Department of Govt. of Odisha.
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