Keonjhar: A team of doctors ledby Chief District Medical Officer,Keonjhar Dr. K. C. Prusty went toinspect the health condition of
Anwesa hostel on Saturday, aftertwenty eight school students stayingin that hostel fell ill and werehospitalized on Friday.
They were admitted in thePaediatric ward of Dharanidharmedical college and hospital,Keonjhar and are under treatment
after detected viral fever. Sourcesalleged that on Friday morning theywere going to a private school locatedin Palaspanga under Sadar block forstudy like other days after eatingbread and jam.On Friday morning 190 numbersof boarders went to the school in fourbuses. Some 18 of them fell ill duringthe prayer class and were admitted tohospital at Keonjhar. According to thesources there are 460 students stayingin that hostel and reading in differentpublic schools at free of cost. Thegovernment has arrangedtransportation for them to go to theschools. Due to unhygienic conditionsmany times the students allegedlysuffered from viral fever with loosemotion.Santosh Sahoo, Superintendent ofAnwesa hostel said “the studentswent to the school after havingbreakfast. They have not eaten rice
and curry that were supplied from thehostel for lunch. They are sufferingfrom fever and have been admitted tothe hostel. We had changed thedrinking water system after the adviceof the medical team.”Chief District Medical Officer, DrK.C.Prusty said “The students were
eaten bread and jam in the morning.They are suffering from mildtemperatures and some are sufferingfrom loose motion. We suspected it
was caused due to viral fever. We toldthe hostel authorities to admit thestudents in the hospital after they werefound sick
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