Bhubaneswar:Star sportspersonsand heroes of India’s win at AsianGames and World University Games2023, China, shined at a grandfelicitation ceremony was organisedin the honour of KIIT and KISSstudents winning medals in therecently concluded 19th AsianGames, 2023 at Hangzhou, and 31stWorld University Games, 2023 atChengdu, China. cause of Odisha’s imprints as asports loving state across the globe.During the felicitation financialincentives of amount Rs. 5 lakh eachwas given to Tajinderpal Singh Toor,Asian Games – Gold Medalist (ShotPut), and Amit Rohidas, Asian Games- Gold Medalist (Hockey); while Rs. 3lakh each was given to Kishore KumarJena, Asian Games – Silver Medalist(Javelin Throw), and TejaswinShankar, Asian Games – Silver Medalist(Decathlon); and Rs. 2 lakh each toAmlan Borgohain, World UniversityGames – Bronze Medalist (200M) andPriyanka, World University Games -Bronze Medalist (20KM Race WalkTeam) respectively.Odisha’s first Olympian AnuradhaBiswal, veteran footballer and coachof Odisha Women Football TeamShradhanjali Samantray, OlympianDutee Chand, and fastest man of IndiaAmiya Mallick, Secretary OdishaRugby Association Upendra Mohanty,KIIT-KISS Founder Dr AchyutaSamanta, Vice-Chancellor KIIT-DUProf Saranjit Singh and DirectorGeneral Sports KIIT-KISS DrGaganendu Dash felicitated thesportspersons. Speaking on theoccasion Dr Samanta said “the sportsscenario in Odisha has completelychanged under the visionaryleadership of Chief Minister NaveenPatnaik. Following in the footsteps ofOdisha Government, KIIT and KISSalways reach out in case of any issueswith the sportspersons and help them.KIIT & KISS have produced 15Olympians and more than 5 thousandsports persons from state level tointernational level, he added.There are 14 students of KIITD e e m e d – t o – b e – U n i v e r s i t yrepresented India in the recentlyconcluded Asian Games, 2023 atHangzhou, China, and four of themwon medals. Similarly, 18 studentsfrom three Universities of Odisha,including 14 students from KIIT,participated in the World UniversityGames, 2023 in Chengdu, China, andtwo KIIT students won the bronzemedals informed Dr Gaganendu Dash.Vice-Chancellor Prof Saranjit Singhalso called for more use of technologyin sports coaching and enabling theaspirants to have better results.
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