Keonjhar: Special Task Force(STF), Bhubaneswar is crackingdown on the white poison deal tomaintain zero tolerance mostly infestival time. A STF team, with thehelp of the Keonjhar town police,arrested a man and seized a carwhile dealing in brown sugar onSunday night.The name of the peddler isDebananda Samal (37) native of
Ambo village under Anandpur PSarea and is working as a peon inthe judicial court, at Keonjhar.During the raid the STF seized 520grams of brown sugar from him.According to information, the STFteam of Crime Branch raided with thehelp of Town Thana police afterreceiving information from a specialsource about the transaction near
Siluan village under Town policestation.Debananda was caught with thebrown sugar and handed him overto the town police station for moreinvestigation. It has been reportedthat the estimated value of browncigarettes seized from him will bemore than one crore. ” The manwas arrested after registered acase under Section 21(c) of the
NDPS Act, 1985 and is continuingthe investigation” said Sunil Kar,IIC Keonjhar. According to STF,since the year 2020 , 72 brownsugar/heroine, 202 gram cocaine,more than 116 quintal Ganja/Marizuana,3.650 gram opium
seized from different areas in thestate and 182 drug peddler/dealerarrested.
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