Bhubaneswar: Odisha is gearing up to host the country’sfirst-ever InternationalConvention on Millets, aremarkable initiative set to take
place on November 9 and 10 atJanta Maidan in the state’scapital, Bhubaneswar. Theannouncement came during apress conference led by
Agriculture and Farmers’Empowerment MinisterRanendra Pratap Swain at KrushiBhavan today.The convention, which aims to
promote the cultivation andconsumption of millets, hasattracted participation from bothnational and internationalstakeholders, making it asignificant event in the field ofagriculture and nutrition. Givingemphasis on the participation offarmers and milletpreneurs, the
Minister asked everyone toattend the convention and makethe objective of promotingmillets from farm to plate asuccess.
At the outset, PrincipalSecretary Dr. Arabinda KumarPadhee elaborated on thesignificant strides made inpromoting millet cultivation in
Odisha. He emphasized thatmillets play a pivotal role inaddressing food security,nutrition, and environmentalsustainability challenges. Heshared that a pre-lecture to theConvention was delivered byChief Advisor to Government ofOdisha, Institutional CapacityBuilding, Subroto Bagchi whoemphasized the importance ofsetting a visionary target for 2036and daring objectives for 2030.Director of Agriculture & FPShri. Prem Chandra Chaudharygave a detailed presentation on
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