New Delhi(PIB): With the aimto bolster the implementation ofthe G20 New Delhi Leaders’Declaration, NITI Aayog will be
organising feeder thematicworkshops on varied themeswhich were discussed in the G20New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration
(NDLD). Ten such FeederThematic Workshops are beingorganised from November 1, 2023to November 9, 2023.
The themes of the workshopsinclude G20 to G21, Data forDevelopment, Tourism, DigitalPublic Infrastructure, Sustainable
Development Goals, Trade,Indian Development Model,Women Led Development,Reforming Multilateraldevelopment banks & Climate
Finance and Green Development.These workshops are designed to foster in-depth discussions,analyze critical themes, and path
forward for NDLD. These FeederThematic Workshops will spanvarious critical themes emergingfrom the NDLD.The workshops are being
organised in collaboration withvarious Anchor Think Tanks eachhaving expertise in theirrespective fields. The Anchor
Think Tanks include ORF,MeiTY, India Foundation, IndianSoftware Products IndustryRound Table (iSPRIT), Centre forSocial and Economic Progress(CSEP), Institute for HumanDevelopment (IHD), IndianInstitute of Foreign Trade (IIFT),EGROW Foundation, Institutefor What Works to AdvanceGender Equality (IWWAGE),Indian Council for Research onInternational Economic Relations
(ICRIER), Council on Energy,Environment and Water (CEEW).The Workshops are beingmentored by Vice-Chairman andMembers of NITI Aayog on eachof the themes.Crucially, each Feeder ThematicWorkshop will result in a 10-12-page outcome document that
encapsulates actionable issues forNDLD implementation. Thisdocument will include acomprehensive analysis of the G20deliverables and follow-up actions.Each workshop will bringtogether approximately 30-40participants, including 20-30Think Tanks and 8-10 academics
specializing in the specific theme.Experienced facilitators will guidethe discussions and ensureproductive outcomes.The G20 NDLD, adopted inNew Delhi, has set forth atransformative agenda thatencompasses cross-cuttingsubjects of global significance.The Feeder Thematic Workshopsaim to engage all stakeholders,including concerned Ministries/Departments, StateGovernments, the private sector,
academia, students, youth,women, and young officers fromStates and Engagement Groups.These workshops are designed to
provide a structured platform forconstructive dialogue and actionorientedoutcomes. NITI Aayogis committed to foster
constructive and result-orienteddiscussions that drive progress onthe G20 NDLD for activeengagement and collaboration of
all stakeholders in this endeavour.
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