Monsoon withdrew completelyfrom India today, four days afterthe normal date of October 15,the India MeteorologicalDepartment (IMD) said. It hadstarted withdrawing from thecountry on September 25, eight
days after the normal date.Typically, the SouthwestMonsoon makes its onset overKerala by June 1 and covers the
entire country by July 8. It startsretreating from northwest Indiaaround September 17,withdrawing entirely by October15. “The Southwest Monsoonhas withdrawn today, October19, from the remaining parts ofthe country,” the IMD said in astatement.With the setting in ofeasterly/northeasterly windsover southern peninsular India,
the Northeast Monsoon rainfallactivity is likely to commenceover the region in the next threedays, it said. However, the Monsoon Withdraws…initial phase of the Northeast Monsoon in general is likely to beweak, it added. India recorded “below-average” cumulative rainfall –820 mm compared to the long-period average (LPA) of 868.6 mm — inthe four-month (June-September) monsoon season amid strengtheningEl Nino conditions. The IMD said positive factors, primarily the IndianOcean Dipole (IOD) and the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), mitigatedsome of thedeficiency caused by El Nino conditions and gave “nearnormal” precipitation. Before 2023, India recorded “normal” and”above-normal” rainfall in the monsoon season for four years on thetrot. Rainfall between 96 per cent and 104 per cent of the LPA isconsidered normal. El Nino conditions — warming of waters in thePacific Ocean near South America — are associated with weaker monsoonwinds and drier conditions in India
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