Bhubaneswar: KIITPolytechnic will soon be modelledon the lines of the world famousNanyang Polytechnic inSingapore. In keeping with thisobjective, a 40-member delegation,including the faculty and staff, ofKIIT Polytechnic left forSingapore today for a week-long
‘exposure visit’.During their visit, thedelegation will acquire the latestknowledge and skills there, apartfrom interacting with the faculty
and students about theinfrastructure, teaching methods,and the use of the latesttechnology. A driving force behind
this transformative initiative is theFounder of KIIT & KISS Dr.Achyuta Samanta, whose unwavering commitment is aimed
at elevating KIIT Polytechnic toa global institution mirroring theaccomplishments of NanyangPolytechnic. Prior to their
departure, he extended his warmcongratulations to the team andconveyed his best wishes for theirsuccess. The departure ceremony
also saw the presence of KIIT ViceChancellor Prof. Saranjit Singhand Registrar Prof. J. R.Mohanty.The Quality Council of India
(QCI)’s National AccreditationBoard for Teaching Education andTraining (NABET) QCI Ranking2023 has adjudged KIIT Polytechnic
as the best in Odisha among all publicand private institutes for the secondtime in a row.
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