Jada Pinkett Smith Won’t Divorce Will Smith

Jada Pinkett Smith is feelingfree these days. She’s no longerhiding that she’s been separatedfrom megastar husband Will Smithfor seven years. “It’s a weight offmy shoulders, honestly,” saidPinkett Smith whose newmemoir, Worthy, is out now.”Ever since the Oscars, it’s sointeresting how such an intenseevent can bring you closertogether, and I would say thatafter that, we really dove in anddug in and got to this beautifulplace we are now.”The actor, who first revealedthe bombshell news to NBC’sHoda Kotb last week, details hermuch-gossiped about marriagethroughout the biography.Through the years, the couple hasfaced rumors – of having an openmarriage, a swinging lifestyle and
questions about their sexualorientations – all while wearingsmiles, seemingly portraying apicture-perfect life.
The daytime Emmy awardwinner briefly thought aboutscrapping the project; she startedwriting the 400-plus page book,co-written with Mim EichlerRivas, at the top of 2022. Butafter Will infamously slappedChris Rock in real time during theOscars over a joke about hershaved head, Pinkett Smithwondered if writing a book wasthe right choice.”The only time I reconsideredpossibly was after theOscars…because I was like I can’twrite a book and not talk abouthis piece,” she told TheAssociated Press, admitting thatshe felt like the scapegoat forWill’s actions. “It took me a whileto figure that out.”While the Smiths’ marriagedynamic may still be confusing tosome – they’re technically still
married but have lived separatelives for years with divorce notan option – the Collateral actress
says they’re working towardresolution.”We love each other…we arefiguring out right now as we speak,what that looks like for us. Butthere’s no being separated. There’sno, ‘we’re going to get divorced,'”she said. “I’m not giving up onthat dude. And he’s not giving upon me… So, let’s just stop and let’sget to this deep healing and figure
this out.”With talent and serendipitoustiming, the Baltimore nativeheaded to Hollywood in the early
’90s during a peak period wherethe industry was welcoming inyoung, Black actors and creatives.She eventually landed a role on ADifferent World, the The CosbyShow-spinoff which inspired ageneration of young African
Americans to pursue collegeeducations, particularly athistorically Black colleges anduniversities. She went on to starin films like Menace II Society,Jason’s Lyric, Set It Off, TheNutty Professor and in TheMatrix franchise.
Pinkett Smith says while herhusband had aspirations tobecome a global, superstar actor,she didn’t share those same
dreams which caused friction.While she considered howrevealing intimate details to the
world would further affect theirfamily, it’s her story to tell -“before Jada Pinkett Smith, therewas Jada Pinkett,” she notes.

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