Visakhapatnam: Infosys, aglobal leader in next-generationdigital services and consulting, onMonday announced theinauguration of its latest state-ofthe-art development center (DC)in Visakhapatnam. Spread across83,750 sq. ft and accommodatearound 1000 employees, the DCwas inaugurated by AndhraPradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan
Mohan Reddy in the presence of presence of State IT MinisterGudivada Amarnath, InfosysChief Financial Officer (CFO)Nilanjan Roy and Infosys VicePresident Niladri Prasad Mishra.To provide greater flexibility to
employees to work in a hybridmode, and closer to their home,the new center will enable Infosysto also attract, re-skill, and upskilllocal talent to work on globalopportunities through next-gentechnologies like Cloud, AI, and
Digital, the IT company said in arelease here. Speaking on theoccasion, Jagan Mohan Reddy,said, “The inauguration of Infosys’Visakhapatnam DC is a landmarkmoment in the city’s growth story.We are confident that this center
will not only give a massive boostto employment in the city but willalso strengthen Visakhapatnam’ssustainability story throughInfosys’ ESG commitments andefforts.” Nilanjan Roy said,”Aimed at bringing the workspace
closer to Infoscions, this centerwill further our approach towardscreating hybrid workplaces, andalso offer new opportunities to thelocal talent pool. Visakhapatnam has developed into a favorableinvestment destination, and we arevery grateful to the StateGovernment of Andhra Pradesh forextending their support as wecommence our operations here.”
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