Hamirpur : HP Chief Minister, Jai Ram Thakur will visit New Delhi on Monday after attending an important cabinet meeting at Shimla. During the cabinet meeting on Monday, the issues of the opening of the summer closing schools for children of standards 1 to 8 and to give benefits to the Medicos of the Departments of health, animal husbandry, and Ayurveda will also be discussed. The latter have been striking for the last four days. In New Delhi the Chief Minister will meet the Union Ministers as well as the Party’s National President, JP Nadda to clear the position on centrally funded schemes from the central ministries to the state before finalizing the budget for the financial year 2022-23. A meeting of State Cabinet held at Shimla recently had decided to recommend to the Governor to convene the budget session of Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha from February 23 to 15th March 15, 2022. The budget for the financial year 2022-23 will be presented on March 4, 2022. The annual budget being presented in an election year makes it significant as the state will go for the next Vidhan Sabha elections later in November this year. The Himachal government is already facing a huge financial crunch and as such many types of financial help from the center was badly needed to carry on the ongoing developmental schemes as well as to give a fillip to the new ones that will be presented in the annual budget. The chief minister had already clarified that he would present a people’s need-based budget so that the people of the state are benefitted
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