Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Sunday allocated portfolios among his colleagues. According to a notification, Dr Sawant has kept with him Home, Finance, Personnel, Vigilance and Official Languages. Vishwajit Rane has been given Health, Urban Development, Town and Country Planning (TCP), Women and Child and Forest. Transport, Industries, Panchayat and Protocol have been allocated to Mauvin Godinho, Ravi Naik will have Agriculture, Handicrafts and Civil Aviation. Nilesh Cabral has been allocated Legislative Affairs, Environment, Law and Judiciary and Public Works Department (PWD), Subhash Shirodkar has been given Water Resources Department (WRD), Co-Operation and Provedoria. Rohan Khaunte has been allocated Tourism, IT and Printing and Stationary while Govind Gaude will have Sports, Art and Culture and Rural Development Authority (RDA). Revenu, Labour and Waste Management have been allocated to Atanasio Monserate. ”Any other department or subject not mentioned in the notification will be looked after by the Chief Minister,” the notification said.
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