Bhubaneswar/Tikiri: Topromote the spirit of culturaldiversity, heritage, spirituality, andfestivity among the surroundingcommunity, Utkal AluminaInternational Limited, a subsidiaryof Hindalco Industries limited ofAditya Birla Group had organizedSaradiya Durga Puja and DussheraMahotsav from 20th Oct to 24thOct 2023 at Dusshera Ground,Doraguda, Tikiri.The divine Durga Puja andDussehra Celebration wasdedicated to bringing joy and togetherness among localcommunity, exemplifyingdedication of Utkal Alumina tomake a positive impact in thesociety. Thus, foster a strong bondbetween the company and the localcommunity.The event started with
traditional Durga Puja rituals withan intricately crafted idol ofGoddess Durga. Various Culturalperformance and traditional musicon every day evening provided aplatform to the local talents toshowcase their intrinsic quality of
culture and tradition. Melodynights, Dance performances,Dramas entertained the viewerswith a mood of festivity. Varietiesof food stalls offered delectableregional cuisine to the spectators.Exhibitions and stalls offered an
opportunity to the localentrepreneurs to advertise and selltheir products adding values totheir livelihoods. Stalls displayedby project Saksham, Koushalyaand Udyamee of CSR departmentoffered an opportunity to thewomen and youth of this region toshowcase and sell their products.A time-honored tradition “RavanDahan” performed on 24th Oct2023 evening symbolizes thevictory of good over evil. Anelectrifying firework and crackershow thrilled the spectators.Zilla Parishad Member alongwith Sarpanch of Kucheipadar,Hadiguda, Tikiri, Maikanch,Kodipari, and Podapadi wereamong the dignitaries felicitatedduring the occasion.Local communities, employees& Families, business stakeholderswitnessed this grand celebration of DussehraMahotshav in largenumber with lot of enthusiasm andexcitement.Mr. Mazhar Beig, Unit Headand President Utkal Aluminaextended his gratitude to the localcommunity, opinion leaders, PRImembers, stakeholders, Police &district administration, andemployees of the company for their earnest participation andefforts towards making this eventa grand success. He mentioned thatUtkal Alumina takes immensepride in embracing and celebratingthe rich cultural diversity of ourcommunity in the region andrecognizing the significance ofDurga Puja in their lives. He alsoemphasized on the victory of goodover evil and truth over falsehoodrighteousness over injustice. Thisis the celebration of victory of lordRama over Ravana. This event isa testament to our commitmentfor fostering a vibrant culturalheritage in the region.
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