Paralakhemundi : This becoming a hectic situation at Gajapati district where those interior areas students raptured to study at hilly trench.Cacophony & abject fear of wild animals & insects still hanging on their studies as can’t but situations through online.
At Malasapadar panchayat of Mohana block covering 18 villages ike Huruguda, Janakhai & Jamling such traumatic scene confined where those boys & girls gathered at a hill slope.
Same situation quantifying at RUdaygiri of Ramgiri, Mangarajpur, Subulda panchayat villages under such same hemispheres for those students.At Taralsing of Mangarajpur panchayat only network available, so massive gathering stimulate for studies from 3 panchayat villages, through online there at a hilly range.
Fear of cyclone due to ready monsoon too paralyzing their quantum on studies. At one place 4 to 5 under a mobile smart phone with utmost difficulties catching online.Rather those students need to supply smart mobile phones what learneds feeling.
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