Puri: After assuming his newduty as Chairman 5T(Transformational Initiatives) andNabin Odisha, on the orders of
Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik,VK Pandian today undertook hisfirst review meeting of theHeritage Corridor Project worksin Puri. During his early morningreview between 4 AM to 6 AM,he visited the Heritage Corridor
Project works and interacted withthe officials regarding theprogress made.During his review, he has
ordered the officials to acceleratethe pace of works and completeall the project works byDecember 15th. He said, it willgive a new experience to thevisitors in the New Year. Pandianhas asked the officials to speedup the renovation works of thevarious Mathas in Puri. He alsoadvised the officials to includenative varieties of trees and
plants that are associated withJagannath Culture in thelandscaping works under theHeritage Corridor Project.
Pandian also took stock of theworks related to the fourentrances.VK Pandian directed theofficials present to make
adequate arrangements forparking of two wheelers for theconvenience of the local people.In addition, he stressed theimportance of shifting thevarious utilities from near theMeghnad wall and completingthe Electricity works of the
project on schedule.He also reviewed the progressof the Jagannath Ballabhaparking works and the various
amenities for the visitors,Pramod Udyana and the Sri Setuwork and directed the officialsto complete the work on
schedule. 5T (TransformationalInitiatives) and Nabin OdishaChairman asked the officials toengage more workers to
complete the works on schedule.During this visit, Puri DistrictCollector, SP, MD OBCC andofficials of various executingagencies were present.
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