Lethpora: The graph of terrorin Jammu and Kashmir has comedown in the past five years and
the union territory has witnessedzero collateral damage and no lawand-order incidents, police chief
Dilbag Singh claimed here onSaturday. Dilbag Singh, who isretiring as Director General of
Police on October 31, made theseremarks at a function here wherethe second phase of Operational
Capability Augmentation ofPolice Stations (OCAP) waslaunched.Under the second phase, 22police stations were providedwith peace and stability teamsconsisting of 14 highly trained
personnel, a vehicle with latestweaponry and gadgets, and adrone unit. “We are proud of the
fact that in the last five years,there has been zero collateraldamage during the course ofactions. It is a matter of immensehappiness. Law-and- orderincidents have also come down tozero. By the grace of God, therehas been zero civilian casualty inpolice action in the last five years.We are very proud of it,” DilbagSingh claimed. He said Jammu andKashmir is coming out of the darkera of terrorism. “The graph ofterrorism has come down and has flattened. We want to see it comedown to zero,” he added. Toachieve zero terror, Dilbag Singhsaid, a new plan was devised andOCAP of police stations wasundertaken.”Under this, 43 such policestations were identified whereterror incidents were taking placemore in comparison to otherstations. “In the first phase, 21were covered on August 2. I amhappy that today that for the rest22 police stations, peace andstability teams are beingdeployed,” he said. Providing areport card on terror, the DGPsaid this year so far, 30 terrorcrime incidents took place inJammu and Kashmir. “If we talkabout these 21 stations selectedin the first phase of OCAPs, outof them, 17 were totally terrorfree, 100 per cent terror free.There were only four policestations where four terrorincidents took place — three inSrinagar and one in Pulwama.”These four incidents tookplace in January – February onlyand so in the last eight monthssince, they have also been 100 percent terror free. So, all 21 havebeen terror free for the last eightmonths,” he said. Similarly, in the22 police stations selected underthe second phase, so far, therehave been only three incidentswhich have all taken place inAnantnag districts, Dilbag Singhsaid. “Rest, all 12 districts (whereOCAPs has been implemented)are terror free. For the last 12months, out of these, 19 stationshave remained terror free. In total,36 stations remained terror freeand only seven police stationswitnessed seven incidents,” headded. Dilbag Singh said OCAPis a mission for the police. “Theseteams will be a strong arm of theSHO and will increase the powerof the police station,” he said.Referring to the situation, DilbagSingh said the enemy is eyeing theincreasing peace in Jammu andKashmir.”Five terrorists tried to comefrom Machil Sector, they wereneutralised. Before that, inBaramulla, gunfight took place.Many encounters took place atthe borders with infiltratinggroups.”There was a serious violationof the ceasefire understanding inArnia sector. The reasons arebeing looked into, but, doubtingthe intentions of the adversary isjustified in this situation and it isimperative that we are alert andtake action for the safety andsecurity of the people,” he said.During the function,demonstrations were given by thecommandoes on anti- militancyoperations, including mobilevehicle naka, vehicle intervention,blind weapons assembly, andunarmed combat.
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