Valmiki JayantiValmiki Jayanti, celebratedon the full moon night orPurnima of the Ashwinmonth, which falls on
October 28 this year, sees theHindu community worldwidecelebrating the birth of thegreat sage-poet Valmiki. Also
known as ‘Pragat Diwas,’ theday is marked withprocessions or ‘ShobhaYatras,’ in which devotees of
the sage sing hymns andsongs to celebrate hislegend. India, especially thenorthern part, is a sight tobehold on this day as it iscompletely immersed indevotional festivities.Lord Rama inspires and isrevered by Hindus across theworld, and the story of hislife is celebrated in Indianhomes. On Valmiki Jayanti,Hindus pay respects to the
person who brought LordRama’s story to the world.The title ‘Maharishi,’meaning ‘great monk’ inSanskrit, is bestowed onsage Valmiki for composingthe epic “Ramayana.”Around the 5th century B.C.,he encapsulated Lord
Rama’s story in the immortalepic “Ramayana.” Hecompiled the epic in theSanskrit language across
24,000 ‘shlokas’ or versesand 7 ‘kandas’ or cantos.Even though there is noknown record of his exact
birth date, Valmiki Jayanti iscelebrated annually on thefull moon day during theAshwin month of the Hindu
lunar calendar. This isbecause legend has it thatthe sage’s face had a glowresembling the shine of thefull moon. The day fallsbetween September andOctober on the Gregoriancalendar.On this day every year,Hindus partake in the’Shobha Yatras’ asdevotees and followers ofthe Valmiki sect sing songsextolling the sage and LordRama’s virtues. At manyRama temples across India,verses from the”Ramayana” are recited. Aportrait of Valmiki,depicting a monk with aglowing face clad insaffron-colored robes, andbusily writing on a leaf witha quill, grace the festivities.The atmosphere
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