Cuttack: Commissionerate Police in Cuttack have arrested three persons for honey trapping an engineer and extorting over Rs 25,000 from him. The accused have been identified as Subash Chandra Nayak(40), Rohan Kumar Nayak (24) and Alfaz Alli (24). As per a complaint registered by the engineer at Lalbag Police Station on January 17, the accused Diku had made friends with the former a few months back and came to know that he is a rich person. A few days back, Diku asked for some money from the complainant to which the latter refused so Diku made a plan along with his associate Rohan and Akram to honey trap him. On January 6, Diku called the complainant and told him to meet him at Kanika Chhak for the enjoyment of a lady, and accordingly, the engineer reached Kanika chhak. As per the plan, Diku and his two associates forcibly took the complainant to the rented house of Diku which is located at Kanika Chhak. They also planted one lady in the room. Subsequently, they captured some pictures of the complainant along with that
lady and tried to blackmail him. They even assaulted the complainant, snatched his ATM card forcibly from his pocket, and also collected the ATM PIN. They withdrew Rs 25,000 from his ATM and thereafter left the complainant with a
threat to not disclose the matter otherwise they will make the picture viral. The complainant also gave one thousand each to Rohan and Alfaz on that day due to fear. Again on January 16, Diku called the complainant and
demanded Rs 1 lakh with a threat to make the pictures viral. Finding no other way, the engineer reported the matter at
the police station. Based on the complainant, the accused persons were apprehended on Tuesday (January 18). Police also seized Rs 25,000 cash, the ATM card of the complainant, and three mobile phones. The involvement of the lady is
under investigation.
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