Mumbai (Maharashtra):Sidharth Malhotra’s OTT debutIndian Police Force has got arelease date. On the occasion of
the Police Commemoration Day,director Rohit Shetty shared onInstagram and informed that the
web series will be out on January19, 2024 on Prime Video.”You gave us love and made uswhat we are today with SINGHAM,SINGHAM RETURNS, SIMMBAand SOORYAVANSHI and I know,you will give us the same kind of
love when you come to thetheatres for SINGHAM AGAIN…BUT BEFORE THAT… We arebringing you our DIGITAL COPUNIVERSE! INDIAN POLICEFORCE Meet my newofficers…19th January 2024onwards…,” he wrote.The show also stars ShilpaShetty and Vivek Oberoi in the leadroles.The seven-part action-packedseries created by Rohit Shetty, anddirected by Rohit Shetty andSushwanth Prakash will payhomage to the relentlesscommitment of Indian policeofficers.Excited about the show, RohitShetty said, “Indian Police Forceis integral part of my journey as a
creator in the cop-verse that I andmy team at Rohit Shetty Picturezhas built with years of hard work and commitment. I am very proudof my cast and crew who devotedlyworked together to present thisaction series that pays an ode tothe valor, sacrifice and courage ofour Indian Police officers. I amdelighted to collaborate with
Prime Video for my first digitalventure that promises to deliverexhilarating entertainment toaudiences worldwide.”
Aparna Purohit, Head of IndiaOriginals, Prime Video, alsoexpressed excitement about theshow.”We are very proud and elatedto present our ambitious series,Indian Police Force, that salutesthe selfless serviceandrelentlessdedication of the Indian PoliceOfficers. The show is a maze ofintricate twists and turns, with arelentless cat-and-mouse chase.The action sequences are nothingshort of a breathtaking visual treatand its well-developed charactersadd to the intrigue and tension tothe plot. It was exciting tocollaborate with Rohit Shetty whois a master of this genre.” saidAparna Purohit.Shweta Tiwari, NikitinDheer, Rituraj Singh, MukeshRishi and Lalit Parimoo willalso be seen in pivotal roles inIndian Police Force.
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