Paradip: IndianOil SafetyDay was observed at ParadipRefinery (PDR) on October 29,2023 on the theme “Safe
Behaviour-Stepping Stone toProsperity”. Mr Kausik Basu,Executive Director & Head ofParadip Refinery along withsenior officials spearheaded theevent.The programme started withhighlighting the significance ofthe day, when a devastating fireincident took place at JaipurTerminal. During the programIndianOil Safety Pledge wasadministered to the gathering anda two minutes silence wasobserved to pay homage toprecious lives lost in the line ofduty. Safety message ofChairman and Director(Refineries) were communicatedto all employees of ParadipRefinery.Addressing the gathering MrBasu reiterated the importance ofsafety in safeguarding humanlives, valuable assets, enhancingoperational efficiency anduplifting the brand image ofIndianOil. To mark the event, aspecial safety bulletin onLearning from Past incidents wasreleased. The program concludedwith demonstration of SafetyRaths prepared by variousagencies working at ParadipRefinery.On October 29, 2023 ParadipRefinery also exhibited theirChemical and Industrial DisasterManagement (CIDM) capabilityin the State Level Functionorganized on “Odisha DisasterPreparedness Day” atBhubaneswar.
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