Bihar Assembly witnessed pandemonium on Monday over Kashmir Files movie, tickets of which have been arranged by the government for the legislators. Soon after the noise created by the opposition members over yesterday’s attack on Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar by a youth, settled down, the Speaker Vijay Kumar Sinha, even before taking up the question hour proceedings said that the members might be aware of an arrangement made by the government for them. To this a woman MLA said that single ticket of the movie Kashmir Files have been provided to each of the women legislators. Demanding two tickets for each of the women legislators, the MLA said that for them it would be difficult to watch the movie alone. The Deputy Chief Minister Tarkishor Prasad assured to provide two tickets of the Kashmir Files to each of the women legislators.
Meanwhile the opposition members objected to the movie Kashmir Files saying that the film was generating hatred in the society and trooped to the well shouting slogans during question about proceedings. The speaker Vijay Kumar Sinha however said that raising the issue of hatred even without watching the movie shows the mentality. Following the request of the speaker, the members resumed their seats. Later during zero our proceedings the opposition members creating ruckus on various issues including Kashmir Files and raising their voices against the existing system and functioning of the government again trooped to the well and shouted anti government slogans. The members were seen tearing some piece of papers and throwing it in the Well of the house. The speaker tried to bring the house in order but in vain following which he adjourned the house till lunch during zero Hour.
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