Bhubaneswar, August 5 (dumanimail): Odisha government has enhanced the upper age l imi t f o r e n tr y i n t o government service from 32 to 38 years for three years in post covid period. The enhanced upper age limit w o u l d b e applicable for advertisements already made/ to be made to fill up the vacancies during 2021, 2022 and 2023. Concomitantly, upper age limit for the reserved categories was also enhanced as per the prescribed norms. In the post-covid scenario, State Government waived out application and examination fees for different posts and services. Reviewing the process for recruitment to vacant posts of various grades at a meeting held here on Friday , Chief
Odisha enhances upper age limit for government job Secretary S C Mohapatra directed various departments to expedite the process for regular posting in vacant positions. T h e G o v e r n m e n t recruiting bodies l i k e O P S C , O S S C , O S S S C , OPRB were a d v is e d t o expedite the p r o c e s s o f examination and selection. They were also requested to quickly recommend the list of candidates already selected for appointment by respective departments. Officers in Odisha Civil Service Cadre, Assistant Professors for medical c o l l e g e s , A s s i s t a n t Agriculture officers, Post G r a d u a t e Te a c h e r s , Geologists, and Assistant Professor of Government Colleges would also be recruited soon.
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