New Delhi: Neeraj Chopra, thereigning Olympic, World and Asianchampion in men’s javelin, onThursday was named as LaureusAmbassador, pledging his support to Laureus Sport for Good, theglobal foundation supporting over300 programmes that use sport toeradicate inequality anddiscrimination for young peoplearound the world. His associationwith Laureus goes back to 2022,when he was nominated in theBreakthrough of the Year categoryat the Laureus World SportsAwards, following his gold medalat the Tokyo Olympics – the firstwon by an Indian track and fieldathlete. Learning more aboutLaureus, Neeraj found wasattracted to the athlete-ledorganisation which celebrates thepower of sport. This year, Neerajhas climbed to the World No.1ranking with golds at the WorldChampionships and, earlier thismonth, the Asian Games. His goldmedal run has catapulted him to anincredible level of fame in his homecountry. August 7, the date of hiswinning throw in Tokyo, is nowcelebrated as National Javelin Dayand he is in constant demand forendorsements and mediaappearances. Neeraj said: “It’s abig honour for me to join Laureusas an Ambassador. To use myplatform and the power of sportto help young people in India andaround the world is something Iam looking forward to doing. Tosee the many legends that havebeen a part of this program andthe difference they have made inthe world is inspiring, and I sharethe same belief; that sport has thepower to change the world.” “I’veheard about the many programmesthat Laureus supports in India, andthe stories remind me of the manyways in which we can help youngpeople. Every athlete knows thatsport can be a big part of that
story. People are watching andfollowing my sport now morethan ever and I believe that,working with Laureus Sport forGood, I can use that platform tochange lives,” he said. As aLaureus Ambassador, Neeraj joinsa unique team of elite athletesfrom across the generations,including Academy Members andicons of Indian sport Kapil Dev,
Rahul Dravid and SachinTendulkar.Laureus Ambassador andformer Indian cricket allrounderYuvraj Singh said: “As a fellowLaureus Ambassador, I am lookingforward to talking to Neeraj aboutour ideas to make a difference in
India and beyond. It is soimpressive to see an athlete at thepeak of his powers, with his bestyears still to come, already lookingbeyond his own sporting ambitionsand considering the ways he canuse his platform for good.”
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