Mahanga: Good people and ideal teacher are always worshiped in the society.The guests who attended the retirementfelicitation meeting held at Raghunath Govt.
High School Kothpada today said thatPrincipal Kishore Chandra wasunforgettable and everlasting.The felicitation meeting held on theoccasion of the retirement of Principal
Kishore Chandra Dash was presided overby Educator Bata Kishore Panda, SeniorJournalist and Old Student Union Presidentof the School Mr Akhilesh Pada Mohantypresided over the function. EducationistRatnakar Mohanty was the chief guest,lyricist Bisweshwar Mohanty was the ChiefSpeker, educationist Khirod Chandra Pati,educationist Shantilata Devi, educationistAbhay Charan Panda, retired headmasterAlekh Chandra Das, headmaster AkshayKumar Sarangi, educationist Akshay KumarPani were the guests of honour. , PoetNarayan Muduli, Educationist Mohi Uddin
khan , many meritorious officials attendedand said that Shri Das Gurushishya is a rarepersonality in maintaining the tradition.Hemant Pradhan, Prabachak ShukdevS w a y u m ,
R a m c h a n d r aM o h a p a t r a ,C h a n d r a b h a n uAcharya, Eng RanjanBehera,HrushikeshBehera,KishoreChandra Acharya,Bijay Kumar Das,Santosh KumarPradhan, Ramram
Sadanghi, Bharat Bhushan Das, AfsarTulla, Jatindranath Das, attended anddelivered the speech. Teacher ParshuramDas delivered the welcome speech and guest
introduction.Teacher Ranjulata Raut, BrajbandhuPalei, Maguni Charan Samal, NiharikaPriyadarshini, Rashmita Barik, SandhyaRani Das, Yogajanma Behera, GauriShankar Mishra, Ajay Kumar Nand,Gopendra Chakraborty conducted the mainevent. Block Additional Teacher SomnathRam delivered the vote of thanks on theoccasion On behalf of the students, parents
and various educational institutes, theoutgoing Principal Mr. Dash was felicitatedwith floral arrangements, Uttariya, stonecarvedMunmayi sculptures, mansalas and
various rituals.Old students of the school, GaneshBihari, Sudhanshu Pani, Deepak Das,Jaydev Mohanty,Swarnalakhmi Das werethe chief attendees. Finally, hundreds of
students, teachers, intellectuals and villagersgathered and fed the departed headmasterto his residence in a huge patio, watchinghim as an ideal teacher. It was widely
considered to be the best visit of karmic life.
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