Bhubaneswar:While the depression has weakened into a well-marked lowpressure area (LOPAR) over southeast Madhya P r a d e s h a n d i t s neighbourhood, Odisha w i l l c o n t i n u e t o experience heavy rainfall for the next 3 d a y s , I n d i a Meteorolog i c a l Department ( I M D ) i n f o r m e d on Monday. “ T h e depression over south Chhattisgarh and adjoining southeast Madhya Pradesh and Vidarbha weakened into a well-marked low-pressure area and moved away further northwestward. It is likely to move nearly northwestwards across Madhya Pradesh during the next 48 hours and westnorthwestwards across south O d i s h a a n d s o u t h Chhattisgarh during the next 24 hours and weaken gradually,” the MeT office said in its midday bulletin. (7 to 11 cm) has been issued for several districts of Odisha till 8.30 am on September 15. Till Tuesday morning, heavy rain is likely to lash isolated places in Balasore, Bhadrak, J a j p u r, K e n d r a p a d a , Jagatsinghpur, Cuttack, Puri, S a m b a l p u r, Ba r g a r h , Deoga rh, Sunda rga rh, A yellow warning for heavy rainfall Keonjhar and Mayurbhanj, w h i l e K e o n j h a r , Mayurbhanj, Sundargarh, Jha rsuguda , Ba l a sor e , Bh a d r a k , J a j p u r a n d Kendrapada are likely to
experience some intense spells during the subsequent 24 hours. Due to the strong monsoon current squally weather with gusty surface wind speed reaching 40 to 50kmph is also likely along & off Odisha coast adjoining northwest Bay of Bengal during the next 48 hours. Fishermen have been advised against venturing into the sea during this period.
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