Bhubaneswar: KIITTechnologyBusiness Incubator(KIIT-TBI), the innovation hub of KIIT, has been conferred the’Incubator of the Year 2023′ Awardby the Asian Association of
Business Incubation (AABI) inBangkok, Thailand. The awardwas received by Dr. MrutyunjaySuar, CEO of KIIT-TBI andDirector-General (R&D andInnovation), KIIT. This
recognition is a result of theoutstanding achievements ofKIIT-TBI in the field oftechnology incubation. To date,it has supported over 400startups in various sectors,including life sciences,biotechnology, medtech, digitalhealth, renewable energy, agritech,Green tech, social incubation, andm a n u f a c t u r i n g – f o c u s e dincubations.KIIT-TBI is supported by
various Indian Governmentfunding agencies such as the DSTNIDHIScheme, DBT-BIRAC,MeiTy-MSH, MSME, iDeX(Ministry of Defence), amongothers. The Department of Science
& Technology, Government ofIndia, has acknowledged KIIT-TBIas a Center of Excellence.Additionally, the Government ofIndia’s DBT-BIRAC hasestablished the BIRAC RegionalCentre for Technology Promotion(BRTC) at KIIT-TBI to foster bioentrepreneurshipin the East andNortheast regions of India. KIITTBI has not only been recognizedas one of the top incubators in Indiabut is now also acknowledged atthe international level.”The incubator is reaching newheights and creating one of themost conducive models fortechnology business incubation.
This international recognition willdrive us to accomplish evengreater things in technologyincubation,” said Dr. Suar. Dr.Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT
& KISS, congratulated Dr.Mrutyunjay Suar and the KIITTBIteam for this prestigiousrecognition.
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