Bhubaneswar: Arthritis patientsshould modify their lifestyle withadequate sleep and exercise to stayhealthy, apart from having nutritionalfood and remaining stress-free, said notedphysician in the field Prof PrasantaPadhan. Speaking at an event tocommemorate, organised by theDepartment of Clinical Immunology andRheumatology, Dr Padhan stressed theneed to minimize the use of Social Media,and TV, especially serials with stressfulstorylines. He emphasised yoga andnurturing spiritualism to reinvent a newself. Medication should not be stoppedas arthritis, as a systemic disease, staystill the end of one’s life, he said.Advisor to the Founder (KIMS) DrR N Samanta, speaking as the chief gueston the occasion, said, “We started theDepartment of Clinical Immunology andRheumatology at KIMS more than adecade ago and it has truly lived up to itsexpectations and hasset a benchmark for itspatient-care and
research.” AssistantProf Debashis Maikapadvised patients toabstain from alcoholand smoking for better recovery and result.With the theme of theday being “Living WithArthritis”, AssociateProfessor of theDepartment Dr SakirAhmed advised theparticipants to discloseeverything to the doctorfor better treatment and never go by theinfluence of online knowledge sharing.”We are here to treat you and discuss withus and do not seek online advice,” he said.Dr Padhan, in his address, also advisedarthritis patients not to identifythemselves with the disease. He said thatone should move out of the shadow ofthe mindset of a chronic illness and moveforward with better lifestylemodifications and re-engineering self.Earlier, during the inaugural sessionMedical Superintendent Prof RamaChandra Das, Principal in-charge, KIMSProf (Dr) Shubhransu Patro, FacilityDirector (Super Speciality and KIMSCancer Centre) Dr ShaktimayaMohapatra spoke on the importance ofWorld Arthritis Day and how KIMS has
started providing a 360-degree holisticapproach in diagnostics and treatment ina broad spectrum of all the ailments onits campus under a single roof.
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