New Delhi : Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday while interacting with the district officials including District Magistrates on the COVID-19 situation in India, said they were playing a very important role in the battle against coronavirus.
‘In a way, they were “field commanders” of the battle against the deadly virus’, he said.
“There are different challenges in every district of our country. You understand the challenges of your district best. When your district wins, it is the country’s victory. If your district defeats COVID-19, so does the country,” PM Modi further said.
Noting that only “local containment zones, aggressive testing and correct and complete information” were India’s tool against coronavirus, he said the country would continue to work towards “testing, tracking, treatment and Covid appropriate behaviour” and that in the second Covid-19 wave, a lot of attention was needed to be paid to rural and inaccessible areas.
The Prime Minister said that all the officials have a very important role in this war against Corona like a field commander of this war. He remarked that Local containment zones, aggressive testing and correct and complete information to the people are the weapons against the virus.
‘You understand the challenges of your district much better. So when your district wins, the country wins. When your district beats Corona, the country defeats Corona’, he said, adding that the officials were working without taking any leave in spite of contracting COVID-19.
He also informed that work is being done rapidly to install oxygen plants in hospitals in every district of the country through PM-CARES Fund and these plants have already started functioning in many hospitals.
While commending the way villagers were maintaining social distance in their farm in first wave, Mr Modi said that villages grasp the information and modify it according to their needs which is actually the strength of villages. He also advocated to adopt best practices against coronavirus.
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