The CBI, probing the Bogtui carnage case in which 9 people were burnt alive, on Thursday submitted its interim report before the chief judge bench and sought the Calcutta high court permission to allow the federal probe agency to investigate the Bhadu Sheikh murder case simultaneously. The interim report was submitted to chief justice Prakash Shrivastava in a sealed cover, a court source said. A CBI counsel also urged the Calcutta high court chief judge division bench to hand over the Bhadu Sheikh (TMC leader) murder case to the CBI. The court, however, reserved its order after hearing the argument and counter argument on the case. The counsel said the carnage was related to the Bhadu Sheikh murder and the investigating agency needed to go in-depth to dig out the truth into the massacre. A court source said that many links in the massacre were either missing or destroyed before the CBI took over the case from the SIT of the state government. The Calcutta High Court on Friday last ordered the CBI to investigate the Bogtui carnage case in the Rampurhat block of Birbhum district to unravel the truth into the massacre that took place the night of March 21. The arson and killings at Boguti village happened barely half an hour after TMC panchayat leader Bhadu Shiekh was bombed to death at a tea stall by four unidentified miscreants. The attackers orchestrated a series of torching to at least ten houses and burnt to death nine people, seven of them women and a minor. Three more women were still undergoing treatment at the Rampurhat hospital.Â
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