New Delhi(PIB): The UnionCabinet chaired by PrimeMinister Narendra Modi hasapproved Productivity Linked
Bonus (PLB) equivalent to 78days’ wages for the financialyear 2022-23 to all eligible nongazetted
Railway employeesnamely Track maintainer, LocoPilots, Train Managers1968.87 crore to 11,07,346railway employees. Theperformance of Railways in theyear 2022-2023 was very good.Railways loaded a record cargo
of 1509 Million Tonnes andcarried nearly 6.5 BillionPassengers.Biden announces$100 millionhumanitarian aid
for GazaUnited States President JoeBiden on Wednesdayannounced a $100 millionhumanitarian aid to Gaza and
the West Bank. “This moneywill support over one milliondisplaced and conflictaffectedPalestinians,” he
wrote on X. “And we willhave mechanisms in place sothis aid reaches those in need- not Hamas or terrorist
groups,” Biden added.New Zealandrecord biggestwin of ODIWorld Cup 2023New Zealand defeatedAfghanistan by 149 runs inChennai on Wednesday torecord the biggest win (by runs)of ODI World Cup 2023. New
Zealand put up a total of 288/6in 50 overs and dismissedAfghanistan for 139 runs in 34.4overs. The previous biggest winin the tournament was recordedby England, who beatBangladesh by 137 runs.Shocked by lossof lives at Gaza
hospital, civiliancasualties matterof concern: PMAfter nearly 500 peoplewere reportedly killed in anairstrike on a hospital in Gaza,PM Narendra Modi said he wasshocked by the tragic loss oflives. “Civilian casualties in theongoing conflict are a matter ofserious and continuing concern.Those involved should be heldresponsible,” he posted on X.
Israel blamed outfit IslamicJihad for the attack.Verdict on samesexmarriage hasupset my weddingplans: Athlete
Dutee ChandOlympian Dutee Chand hassaid that the Supreme Courtverdict of not allowing samesexmarriages has upset herplans of marrying her partnerMonalisha. “I’ve been livingwith Monalisha for fiveyears…We hope Parliamentpasses a law allowing same-sexmarriages,” she added. Arguingthat several nations have
legalised same-sex marriages,she asked, “What’s the problemto legalise it in India?”
(Guards), Station Masters,Supervisors, Technicians,Technician Helpers, Pointsman,Ministerial Staff and other Group’C’ staff (excluding RPF/RPSFpersonnel).In recognition of this excellentperformance by the Railway
staff, Union Government hasapproved payment of PLB of Cabinet approves…Many factors contributed to this record performance. These includeimprovement in infrastructure due to infusion of record Capex by theGovernment in Railways, efficiency in operations and better technologyetc. Payment of PLB will act as an incentive to motivate the Railwayemployees for working towards further improvement in performance.
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