Paralakhemundi: AtGumma block surrounded withhills a rare temple thatadmonish as visitors paradise.Flooded with waterfall &covered instinct of all flora &fauna on this automn seasonstill dew drops a fragrance ofbeauty gift nature.Since 1982 that templeconstruction started inbetween Gumma & Serangoroad that templesituated.While roadconstruction on 1982 startedbetween above 2 places thoselabourers tried evacuate 2 bigstones. As they ignored aboutlinked with Goddess Taratarini.Where a bridge to beconstructed that incidentallydemolished thrice. Contractor
was on chaos & isolated toreturn home. Again a miracledream coveted him by supremeGoddess to re-construct again.No sooner that contractorMChinna & MTaudu madea small house in betweenthose 2 stones.
Since that day onwardsGoddess is prayed. Navratri,MahaSivaratri, Tuesday,Saturday puja started. Thattoo those strong believersgradually crowd pulling.Traditional puja at morning &evening going on. OnSankranti day more crowdseen. Now a popular templewhere government sanctionedRs. 29 lakhs with parking,drinking water, toilets, cookingplace, stay home will be made.From Paralakhemundiabout 34 kms & Gummablock headquarter 3 kms.
Accessible road too attractdevotees. Even fromBrahmapur via Serangodistance is 105 kms via R.Udayagiri.
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