At least 12 peoplewere killed and 23 others injuredwhen a speeding mini-bus hit acontainer truck on Samruddhi
Expressway in Maharashtra’sChhatrapati Sambhajinagardistrict in the early hours ofSunday, police said. As many as
35 passengers were travelling bythe private bus. They werereturning to Nashik after visitingthe Sailani Baba dargah inBuldhana district, an official said.President Droupadi Murmuand Prime Minister NarendraModi expressed grief over theloss of lives in the accident. The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)in a post on X said acompensation of Rs. 2 lakh from the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF) would begiven to the family of those wholost their lives and the thoseinjured would be given Rs.50,000 each.The accident took placeshortly after midnight on Sunday
in Vaijapur area of theexpressway, located nearly 80km from the district headquartersand 350 km from state capital
Mumbai, as per officials. The busdriver lost control over the
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