Vijayawada : For the third year in a row and a month in advance, Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy on Tuesday credited Rs.248.47 crore in to the accounts of 2,48,468 beneficiaries under ‘YSR Vahana Mithra’ scheme by providing a financial assistance of Rs.10,000 for the eligible autorickshaw and taxi drivers.
Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Minister said that the amount of Rs.10,000 is for the recurring expenses like insurance and maintenance of the vehicle to procure fitness certificate, which is being done as promised during his 3,648 kms padayatra.
He said that after witnessing the difficulties of auto drivers, who hardly earn Rs.500 a day and have to pay a huge sum of Rs.10,000 towards insurance and other expenses required for getting a fitness certificate, the government has come up with this welfare initiative.
Almost 84 percent of the beneficiaries are from the SC, ST, BC and Minorities, Mr Reddy said, adding that the scheme not only benefits the drivers but also for passengers who can experience a safe journey.
“So far, under YSR Vahana Mithra, Rs.759 crore has been credited directly into the accounts of beneficiaries and such a scheme is available only in Andhra Pradesh and nowhere in the country.
As many as 42,932 beneficiaries have newly applied for the scheme this year, where a total of 2,48,468 will be receiving the aid and those who are left out can still apply at village/ward secretariats and their applications will be considered, if they are eligible”, the Chief Minister said.
He said that Rs.68.44 lakh had been collected through penalties and taxes in 2019-20 and from auto drivers in 2020-21.
Ministers K Narayana Swamy, Perni Venkataramaiah, Ch Venu Gopala Krishna and Principal Secretary of Transport MT Krishna Babu were among who were present at the programme.
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